Maverick got the Extreme Couponer achievement well before some of the less rare ones, such as the earn 100 million points in one hand achievement.
Table of Contents
Earning the Extreme Couponer Achievement: Quick Guide
You get the Extreme Couponer Achievement by Discovering Every Voucher. The process to do so is a bit non-intuitive, which is probably why less than 3% of Steam players have this achievement at the time of writing. Once you know the steps, Extreme Couponer is actually quite a bit easier than some of the more commonly earned achievements.
There are 16 Basic Vouchers that appear by default and 16 Advanced Vouchers. These 16 Advanced Vouchers have a triple condition to discover them:
1. Meet its general unlock conditions
2. Buy its basic version during the run you are on to have a chance of it appearing in later Antes
3. Buy it at least once to finish the Discover process
Advanced Unlockable Vouchers in Balatro
Voucher Name | Voucher Collection Page | Effect | General Unlock Condition | Run-specific Unlock Condition |
Overstock Plus |
1 | +1 card slot available in the shop | Spend a total of $2500 at the shop | Buy Overstock (+1 card slot) first during that run |
Liquidation |
1 | All cards and packs in the shop are 50% off | Redeem at least 10 Voucher cards in one run | Buy Clearance Sale (25% discount) first during that run |
Glow Up |
1 | Foil, Holographic and Polychrome cards appear 4x more often | Have at least 5 Joker cards with Foil, Holographic or Polychrome edition | Buy Hone (Foil, Holographic and Polychrome appear 2x more often) first during that run |
Reroll Glut |
1 | Rerolls cost $2 less ($4 less in total) | Reroll the shop a total of 100 times | Buy Reroll Surplus (Rerolls cost $2 less) first during that run |
Omen Globe |
2 | Spectral cards may appear in any of the Arcana Packs | Use a total of 25 Tarot Cards from any Arcana Pack | Buy Crystal Ball (+1 Consumable Slot) first during that run |
Observatory |
2 | Planet cards in your consumable area give x1.5 Mult for their specified poker hand | Use a total of 25 Planet Cards from any Celestial Pack | Buy Telescope (Celestial Packs always contain card for most played hand) first during that run |
Nacho Tong |
2 | Permanently gain +1 hand per round (+2 hands total) | Play a total of 2500 cards | Buy Grabber (gain +1 hand per round) first during that run |
Recyclomancy |
2 | Permanently gain +1 discard each round (+2 discards total) | Discard a total of 2500 cards | Buy Wasteful (gain +1 discard per round) first during that run |
Tarot Tycoon |
3 | Tarot cards appear 4x more frequently in the shop | Buy a total of 50 Tarot cards from the shop | Buy Tarot Merchant (Tarot cards appear 2x more frequently) first during that run |
Planet Tycoon |
3 | Planet cards appear 4x more frequently in the shop | Buy a total of 50 Planet cards from the shop | Buy Planet Merchant (Planet cards appear 2x more frequently) first during that run |
Money Tree |
3 | Raise the cap on interest earned in each round to $20 | Max out the interest per round earnings for 10 consecutive rounds | Buy Seed Money (raise interest cap/round to $10) first during that run |
Antimatter |
3 | +1 Joker Slot | Redeem Blank 10 total times | Buy Blank Voucher (does nothing) first during that run |
Illusion |
4 | Playing cards in shop may have an Enhancement, Edition and/or a Seal | Buy a total of 20 playing cards from the shop | Buy Magic Trick (Playing cards appear in shop) first during that run |
Petroglyph |
4 | -1 Ante, -1 discard each round | Reach Ante level 12 | Buy Hieroglyph (-1 Ante, -1 hand each round) first during that run |
Retcon |
4 | Reroll Boss Blind unlimited times, $10 per roll | Discover 25 Blinds | Buy Director’s Cut (Reroll Boss Battle once for $10) first during that run |
Palette |
4 | +1 hand size (+2 hand size total) | Reduce hand size down to 5 cards | Buy paint Brush (+1 hand size) first during that run |
How To Check Which Vouchers You’re Missing for Extreme Couponer
From the Main Menu, click “Collection”. From there, click “Vouchers” (third option on the left).
Vouchers that have a question mark (left icon on the above screenshot) are already unlocked, but still undiscovered. You just need to buy them at least once in the shop when they appear (don’t forget you need to buy their basic version during a run for this to have a chance at happening).
Vouchers that have a lock symbol (right icon on the above screenshot) require you to clear their general unlock requirement first. You can check the general unlock requirements by hovering over them or by referencing the table in the previous section. Note that unlocking a Voucher will still require you to Discover them in later runs. This means you’ll need to buy their basic version during a run to give them a chance of appearing, then buy them at least once.
Tips for Unlocking Specific Vouchers for the Extreme Couponer Achievement
Having some difficulties unlocking some specific vouchers to complete Extreme Couponer? Hopefully, the tips below will help.
Tips To Unlock the Liquidation Voucher
To unlock this Voucher, you need to redeem at least 10 Voucher cards in one run.
1. With any Deck on White (the easiest) Stake
Ignore the very first voucher, then work towards getting $25 as fast as possible. Once you meet that goal, you will get $5 of extra interest each round, making it much more comfortable to buy Vouchers frequently. Buy your first voucher after beating the Ante 2 Blind at the latest, even if you’re not quite at $25 yet.
This strategy will require you to beat Ante 10 (buying your 10th voucher before taking on the Ante 11 Small Blind). You may get there one or two Antes earlier if you encounter (and can afford skipping) Rounds that have a Voucher Tag. Note that Vouchers that appear in the shop don’t last until the end of the Ante. You need to buy them as soon as they appear.
2. With the Yellow Deck on White (the easiest) Stake
This Deck unlocks when you discover 50 items in your collection, which goes quite quickly, seeing as your collection has 340 items. Jokers, vouchers, cards from packs, boss types etc. all count towards meeting this requirement.
It allows you to start a Run with $10 extra, which also means extra interest early on. Beat the Ante 1 Small Blind and Big Blind and stock up on interest, then buy the Ante 1 Voucher. After that, continue as if you were following the previous strategy. You’re in essence giving up the advantage of this Deck in exchange for buying the Ante 1 Voucher this way. In return, you only need to beat 9 Antes (or less if you encounter and can afford skipping Rounds with the Voucher Tag).
3. With the Anaglyph Deck on White (the easiest) Stake
This is the easiest strategy but requires you to beat the game with any deck on the Black (fourth) Stake/difficulty first.
Play as normal, buying a Voucher here and there when you can afford it. Try to stock up as much cash as you can afford to without risking losing (up to $100 minus $10 per Voucher you purchase). Don’t skip any rounds until you find a Voucher Tag. You will then get one Voucher Tag plus one additional Voucher Tag per Ante you already beat. This allows you to add the Liquidation Voucher to your Extreme Couponer collection well within the standard 8 Antes.
Tips to Unlock the Glow Up Voucher
To unlock this Voucher, you need to have at least 5 Joker cards with Foil, Holographic or Polychrome edition.
Reroll (restart new runs) with your favorite deck until you have at least one Foil, Holographic or Polychrome Tag in Ante 1. Skip that round to get the Tag, then start basing your build around the Voucher you’ll get for free. This will give you a head start to get the other 4 special edition jokers you’ll need. Skip further Foil, Holographic and Polychrome Tags when you can afford them.
Playing with the Black Deck (unlock by completing 100/340 items in your collection) allows you to keep one base joker of your choice, but will make earlier Antes harder.
Playing with the Anaglyph Deck is, as often, the easiest strategy. To unlock that deck, however, you first need to beat the game with any deck on the Black (fourth) Stake/difficulty first. It’s up to you if you want to go through that process to unlock the Glow Up Voucher.
If you do, then play without skipping any rounds on that deck on White (the easiest) Stake until you see a Foil, Holographic or Polychrome Tag. Doing so, you will get an extra Tag (and a free special edition Joker) per Ante you beat before that skip. Note that all Jokers may not appear during the same shop. You may need to reroll the shop a few times first. If you can’t afford rerolling (or don’t want to), you can also load multiple shops by going through multiple rounds.
Tips to Unlock the Reroll Glut Voucher
To unlock this Joker, you need to reroll the shop a total of 100 times.
If you haven’t already, first unlock the Yellow Deck. This requires you to unlock 50/340 items in your completion list, which is fairly easy to do. Once you unlock the Yellow Deck, you can beat the first Small Blind, then reroll twice, then start a new run.
If that is too boring for you, don’t worry about it. If you follow the basic strategy of getting above $25 as soon as possible and staying there, you will get $5 of interest each round. You will then get plenty of chances to reroll the shop naturally. Of course you can spend all your funds when you know you cannot beat the next Round to get a few extra rerolls in.
Tip to Unlock the Omen Globe and Observatory Vouchers
To unlock these vouchers, you need to use 25 Tarot Cards and 25 Planet Cards from packs.
Similar to the previous Voucher, using the Yellow Deck is an easy way to get these unlocks done. This requires you to unlock 50/340 items in your completion list, which is fairly easy to do. Once you unlock the Yellow Deck, you can beat the first Small Blind, then buy the relevant packs and start a new run.
Tip to Unlock the Tarot Tycoon and Planet Tycoon Vouchers
To unlock these vouchers, you need to buy 50 Arcana Cards and 50 Planet Cards from the shop.
If you haven’t unlocked these Vouchers naturally yet, unlocking the Zodiac Deck first will make things quite a bit faster. This deck starts with the Tarot Merchant, Planet Voucher and Overstock Vouchers. Thanks to these Vouchers, there will be 3 items in the shop instead of 2 and both Tarot and Planet Cards will appear twice as often.
To unlock the Zodiac Deck, you simply need to beat the game on the Red (second easiest) Stake once. Beating the game on the White (default, easiest) Stake once will unlock the Red Stake for that deck.
The Red Stake is identical to the White Deck with the exception that beating the Small Blind gives no default reward. This means you should be a bit more likely to skip a Small Blind Round. Don’t blindly skip all Small Blinds, though. Remember that you still get $1 interest for every $5 you have and $1 for every hand you didn’t need to play.
Advice to Unlock the Antimatter and Illusion Vouchers
The conditions for unlocking the Illusion Voucher aren’t very hard. This Voucher is missing in a lot of player’s Extreme Couponer collection, however, because going through the unlock process generally lowers your odds of winning that particular run.
Unfortunately, there are not that many tips I can give you apart from making the necessary sacrifices for the long-term good of your Balatro journey.
– Unlocking the Antimatter Voucher requires you to buy the Blank Voucher a total of 10 times. Doing so does nothing at all to help you for that particular run. It’s just a long-term investment. You can also buy the Blank Voucher a maximum of once per run, meaning you’ll need to make this sacrifice during 10 separate runs. You can read more about the Blank Voucher and Antimatter Voucher in this dedicated article.
– Unlocking the Illusion Voucher requires you to buy the Magic Trick Voucher first to unlock Playing Cards in the shop for that run. Then you need to buy a total of 20 Playing Cards from the shop. Unfortunately, before you finish unlocking Magic Trick, these will be plain cards without any bonuses. These are unlikely to help you apart from some very specific builds, so it’s again a sacrifice for the greater good. You can split the 20 purchases over as many runs as necessary, but it is better to get it over with in as little runs as possible.
Tips to Unlock the Petroglyph Voucher
For most players, this Voucher, which requires you to reach Ante 12, will be the biggest obstacle for the Extreme Couponer. Although there is no set strategy to make it that far, there are a few tips I can give you:
1) Make sure you are playing on the White (easiest) Stake, regardless of which Deck you use.
2) You’ll want to get a ramping Joker such as Hologram and Constellation early on to have a shot at this. Ideally, you’ll want to even have them duplicated with an Invisible Joker, Blueprint or Brainstorm. Consider selling mediocre jokers before selling the active Invisible Joker to maximize your odds of duplicating the Joker you want.
3) At first you can fill the rest of your Joker Slots with ones that give a flat Multiplier value. Later on, it is advisable to keep only your strongest Joker of this kind and fill all other slots with more multipliers.
4) In combination with the previous tip, having the Telescope Voucher as early as possible to build up a base multiplier to slowly replace jokers with flat Multiplier value is very handy.
5) Your Blueprint and Brainstorm Joker(s) can first start by copying the abilities of a flat multiplier joker, then later copy the multiplication joker instead.
6) Try to add cards with a Red Seal to your deck whenever possible. Then, when reaching Ante 10 and 11, start turning them to Glass. Adding such a card at the end of a scoring hand (you can reorder your cards before scoring them!) can give you up to 4x extra multiplier. Glass cards without a red seal are also very valuable when nearing the end. Avoid having too many Glass Cards early on when you don’t need them, as it’s unlikely they’ll make it to the end.
To get an extra boost, you can play on the Anaglyph deck, which you can unlock by beating any deck on the Black Stake, the fourth difficulty. While playing on this deck, don’t skip any rounds until you see a Negative Tag. The more Antes you go through before getting a Negative Tag, the more Negative Jokers this will give you. There is still some luck involved, since not all Jokers will help your build, but it can give you a significant boost.
How to Unlock the Retcon Voucher
The Retcon Voucher is one of the easier Vouchers to unlock for the Extreme Couponer achievement, though it can take a while. It requires you to discover 25 out of 30 Blinds. Blinds are simply “opponents” you battle against. You get the Small Blind and Big Blind the very first time you play, so this unlock boils down to “discover 23 out of 28 bosses.”
Blinds do not have any specific requirements to unlock them, so just keep going through the game naturally to get there eventually.
Tips to Unlock the Palette Voucher
You start with a hand size of 8, so you’ll need to reduce that by 3 to unlock this Voucher. The main way to do this is through Spectral Cards, though there are alternatives.
Through Spectral Cards
– Ouija: Converts all cards in hand to a single random rank. -1 hand size.You’ll want to focus on a Full House/Four of a Kind/Five of a Kind deck if you go this route.
– Ectoplasm: Add Negative to a random Joker. -1 hand size. The penalty increases to -2 hand size the second time you use it during the same run. That means getting this card twice is enough to unlock Palette Voucher (1 + 2).
You can boost your chances of unlocking the Palette Voucher by playing with the Ghost Deck first. This deck gives a small chance (around 7% per slot) for Spectral Cards to appear in the shop. To unlock the Ghost Deck, you first need to win a run with the Yellow Deck. This Deck unlocks when you discover 50 items in your collection, which goes quite quickly, seeing as your collection has 340 items.
When playing with the Ghost Deck, avoid buying the Magic Trick, Tarot Merchant and Planet Merchant Vouchers. These vouchers increase the odds of having other cards appear, thus reducing the odds of Spectral Cards appearing. Do buy Overstock and Overstock Plus when you get the opportunity, which will give add extra slots to the shop. Also consider buying Crystal Ball (+1 consumable slot) to have a chance at getting the Omen Globe Voucher, which gives a chance for Spectral Cards to appear in Arcana Packs.
- The Joker Merry Andy gives you 3 extra Discards and reduces your hand size by 1.
- The Joker Stuntman gives increases your score by 250 Chips and reduces your hand size by 2.
- When you play against The Manacle Blind, your hand size is reduced by 1. This is only temporary, however, so you’ll already need to have reduced your hand size by 2 before you get that far.
If you got this far, it’s likely you finished all steps to unlock the Extreme Couponer achievement. Congratulations!