Having difficulties completing the Castle Circuit Rumble Racing track in Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep? It's not that hard once you know the correct route to start each lap with. Find out more here.
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Made a choice in The Council that you regret? How easy this is to fix depends on where you made the choice and where you are in the game now. Find out how the system works here.
Wondering which characters are actually Demons in The Council and why there are so many? Curious on when they are revealed and how the game reveals them? Find out here. Beware - this article has spoilers!
Wondering what happens if you side with Lord William Mortimer all the way to the end in The Council? Maybe you can rule the world at his side? Find out the answer here.
Wondering if it's possible to save Gregory Holm in the Mind Prison Quest of The Council? Well, it's not a full save, but you can make his passing a lot more pleasant for him. Find out how to do so here, as well as the consequences.
Do you keep landing up on the wharf with Sarah de Richet already dead on the floor in the episode "Farewell" of The Council? Here is how you can avoid this scenario and save her.